Cities with diverse cultures, forms, structure, and histories are already implementing planning, design, and management approaches to optimise the contribution that positive energy districts (PEDs) can provide in terms of energy transition, economic development, environmental protection, improved social cohesion, and increased public involvement. In this framework, the COST PED-EU-NET 1st Urban Stakeholders Workshop, organised by COST PED-EU-NET WG4 ‘Dissemination, Outreach and Exploitation’, aimed to share experiences and opportunities of cooperation, to advance our disciplines and facilitate the science-policy dialogue.
• WHAT: A two-day-event on PED, specifically designed for Cities and other urban stakeholders.
• WHO: COST PED-EU-NET members and invited urban representatives. Twenty-five researchers and city managers were hosted for two days, sponsored by PED-EU-NET, while another 150 joined online during the blended event.
• WHY: Values and learning outcomes dealt with: i) Supporting alignment with national, regional, European PED strategies and programmes; ii) Raising awareness of PED priorities and gaps among urban regional, national, European stakeholders; iii) Identifying priority issues (most urgent, high impact) for each energy transition path (Efficiency, Flexibility, Production) and cross-cutting to achieve ambitions; and iv) Supporting decision-making processes and actions for successful funding and joint implementation of the actions and measures identified.
• WHERE: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture, Via Flaminia 72, 00196 Rome, Italy.
On September 14th, 2021, a preparatory PED-EU-NET Webinar “Cities and Positive Energy Districts” was organised by PED-EU-NET WG4 “Dissemination, Outreach and Exploitation” to prepare the ground for the 1st PED-EU-NET Urban stakeholders Workshop in Rome. More than 50 researchers and city managers attended the on-line event.
Link to a short video from the PED-EU-NET Rome Workshop:
Selected Images PED-EU-NET Rome Workshop:
Due to COVID-19 security rules only 25 people could attend in-person the 1st PED-EU-NET Urban Stakeholder Workshop in Rome. More than 150 participants contributed on-line to this blended event.
PED-EU-NET Urban Stakeholder Workshop SESSION 3 – CENTRE THE TOPIC: ON-GOING PRACTICES AND “LOOKING FOR GAPS”. Stakeholder Talks: Selected European experiences: João Dinis, Municipality of Cascais.
COST PED-EU-NET Working Groups leaders and workshop’s participants.
PED-EU-NET Urban Stakeholder Workshop: COST PED-EU-NET Virtual Networking Manager, Jelena Brajkovic interviews Working Group 1 leader, Michal Kuzmic.