Title: Alignment of Parameters with Pioneer Initiatives (IEA EBC Annex 83, JPI Urban Europe) for the Comprehensive PED Database
WG1 (PED Mapping, Characterization and Learning) aims at mapping concepts, strategies, best practices, technological and non-technological innovations related to PEDs in Europe. Aligned with this motivation, under T1.1 a comprehensive PED database is being created for providing data on the state-of-the-art development in PEDs in order to devise methods to characterize PEDs for encouraging the implementation of PEDs in different context. The main objective of this VMG is to reach pioneer initiatives (IEA EBC Annex 83, JPI Urban Europe) that are conducting research on PEDs and align identified parameters with their expertise and their already ongoing research on generation of PED Databases. Since there are overlaps and gaps in a diverse set of research, an alignment work is essential to balance the work load on experts (developers of the Databases) and on city authorities (who are trying to answer questions of the parameters and indicators). For the alignment process with the abovementioned initiatives following activities are proposed:
- Sharing and overviewing already identified parameters within initiatives.
- Identification of overlaps and gaps between different approaches, methods and conceptual framework developed by different initiatives
- Conducting interviews with experts within Task Groups of the initiatives and prioritize relevant parameters
- Refining and fine-tuning the parameter list for data collection for the PED Database
- Readjusting the “Glossary” consisting of the selected parameter to guide the data providers to understand the definitions of the parameters in order to speak the same language.
- Publication of results in a presentation entitled “Supporting the decision-making processes towards Positive Energy Districts implementation: Overarching Concept for PED Database” at SSPCR conference 18-22 July in Bolzano, Italy.
At the end of this process around ~170 parameters and ~400 sub-parameters were identified for framing PED case studies and PED LABs. For reaching these numbers, 3 Interviews were conducted with the Annex 83 group, following one by one all the parameters and discussing the potential modifications. In parallel 4 more workshops (3 hours for each) were conducted with the JPI UE experts to align, benchmark and match the parameters need to define a PED. Since JPI UE is very actine between EU municipalities, their feedback of PED strategies, conceptual approaches and social matters were very important for the overarching concept for a PED DB at EU Level. The PED DB is established as an open access tool. Annex 83 and JPI Groups will distribute the input forms (consisting of all of the aligned parameters) within their initiatives and within several projects, city meetings, workshops, seminars and their expert’s affiliations in order to collect data that will feed the DB.
Grantee Name: Beril Alpagut
Affiliation: Demir Enerji
Country: Turkey
Grant Awarded: VMG
Young Researcher/Innovator: Yes
From ITC Country: Yes
Dates: 23/05/2022 to 13/06/2022
Host (STSM) / List of participants (VM) / Conference (ITC, DC) Beril Alpagut, Sergio Diaz de Garayo Balsategui, Matthias Haaze Christoph Gollner, Silvia Bossi, CA19126_ WG2 and WG3 Members