Title: Indicators for regenerative, positive energy district renovation
The performance of PED developments is measured by defining Keys Performance Indicators (KPIs). Currently several existing KPI systems are available for sustainable developments, and some exist for regenerative developments (including PEDs) as well. However, most KPI systems give a universal list of indicators that doesn’t consider the possible differences in the different neighbourhoods (by size, density, location etc). Therefore, it is important to investigate how these developed indicators take into account the specificities and unique challenges of different existing neighbourhood typologies.
The main research question was defined as: Which neighbourhood characteristics are relevant to PED KPIs and can they determine the applicability of PED ambitions?
The main activities that were carried out during the STSM: review of the newest literature on PED definitions, challenges, characteristics and indicators, setting up the framework for the assessment, case studies were selected and assessed to determine the validity of the framework. A large pool of existing district characteristics was also collected, and their connections were established. Additionally, the PED characteristics are also collected to be able to perform comparisons.
The main result of the STSM was the devlopment of a framework which can be used to assess the connection between PED KPIs and existing district characteristics.
Grantee Name: Melinda Orova
Institution: ABUD Ltd. – senior consultant
Affiliation: University of Pécs – PhD student
Country: Hungary
Grant Awarded: STSM
Young Researcher/Innovator: Yes
From ITC Country: Yes
Dates: 13/06/2022 to 08/07/2022
Host (STSM)
TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment