Boutik Studio

Author: Boutik Studio

COST Action PED-EU-NET Final Conference 'Energising Neighbourhoods: Reflection, Dialogue and New Perspectives', 2-3 September 2024, Tabakfabrik Linz, City of Linz, Austria
This COST Action (PED-EU-NET) encourages Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). STSMs are research visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between COST Action Participants. A STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives...
Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs) are part of the new Virtual Networking Tools, which aim to develop skills and capacities through virtual collaboration between researchers across Europe. VMGs foster the establishment of existing networks through virtual collaborations by sharing...
During 29-30 June 2023 in Lisbon, PED-EU-NET is pleased to host a conference on Energy in Built Environment: Climate driven solutions for next generation EU cities. This event convenes diverse actors to advance urban energy transformation.
Please consider applying to one of the 2023 STSM Hosting Proposals put forward by Action partner institution DTU. Download
COST Action CA19126 PED-EU-NET Positive Energy Districts European Network Training School Call for Applicants “Implementing Positive Energy Districts (PED). Learning from Zürich” 17-21 September 2023, ZHAW Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Facility Management, Zürich, Switzerland
COST Action PED-EU-NET Conference ‘Energy in Built Environment: Climate-Driven Solutions for Next Generation EU Cities’Lisbon, 29-30 June 2023
Title: Indicators for regenerative, positive energy district renovation Overview The performance of PED developments is measured by defining Keys Performance Indicators (KPIs). Currently several existing KPI systems are available for sustainable developments, and some exist for regenerative developments...
Title: PED task force for PED framework development Overview The goal of this STSM was setting up a framework for policy/regulatory/economic PED + data collection on national frameworks. The working plan was divided into four phases. In the...
Please consider applying to this VM Collaboration Proposal put forward by Demir and CVUT.