Project NameProject CodeStart DateEnd Date
STARDUST - Holistic and Integrated Urban Model for Smart Cities ID: 774094 01/2017 01/2024
ZEN - Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities 01/2017 01/2024
RESPONSE - Integrated Solutions for Positive Energy and Resilient Cities ID: 957751 01/2020 01/2025
POCITYF - A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework ID: 864400 01/2019 01/2024
MAKING-CITY - Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future ID: 824418 01/2018 01/2023
SPARCS - Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS ID: 864242 01/2019 01/2024
Syn.ikia - Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods ID: 869918 01/2020 01/2024
SmartEnCity - Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe ID: 691883 01/2016 01/2022
GRETA - GReen Energy Transition Actions ID:101022317 01/2021 01/2023
D1P001: Name of the project
D1P001: Name of the projectMAKING-CITY - Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future
D1P002: Project assigned code
D1P002: Project assigned codeID: 824418
D1P003: Start date
D1P003: Start date11/18
D1P004: End date
D1P004: End date11/23
D1P005: Ongoing project
D1P005: Ongoing projectYes
D1P006: Funding programme/financing model
National fundingno
Public-Private Partnership - please specifyno
D1P007: Estimated project costs (Mill. €)
D1P007: Estimated project costs (Mill. €)20
D1P008: Description of project objectives/concepts
D1P008: Description of project objectives/concepts
D1P009: Description of project upscaling strategies/potential
D1P009: Description of project upscaling strategies/potential
D1P010: Number of PED case studies in the project
D1P010: Number of PED case studies in the project2
D1P011: Case Study
D1P011: Case Study
D1P012: Description of project expected impact
D1P012: Description of project expected impact
    D1P013: Standardization efforts
    D1P013: Standardization efforts
    D1P014: Sources
    D1P014: Sources
    D1P015: Can you specify a suitable contact person regarding the load-management approach within your PED project?
    NameJasper Tonen
    D1P016: Would you be willing to share data from your PED project for research purposes?
    D1P016: Would you be willing to share data from your PED project for research purposes?Yes

    Authors (framework concept)

    Beril Alpagut (Demir Energy); Giulia Turci (University of Bologna); Michal Kuzmic (Czech Technical University in Prague); Paolo Civiero (Università Roma Tre); Serena Pagliulia (University of Bologna); Oscar Seco (CIEMAT); Silvia Soutullo (CIEMAT); Daniele Vettorato (EURAC Research, IEA Annex 83); Bailador Ferreras M. Almudena (CIEMAT); Vicky Albert-Seifried (FHG ISE)

    Contributors (to the content)

    Laura Aelenei (LNEG), Nienke Maas (TNO), Savis Gohari (OsloMet), Andras Reith (ABUD), Ghazal Etminan (AIT), Maria-Beatrice Andreucci (Universita Sapienza), Francesco Reda (VTT, IEA Annex 83), Mari Hukkalainen (VTT), Judith-Borsboom (Locality), Gilda Massa (ENEA), Jelena Ziemele (University of Latvia), Nikola Pokorny (CVUT), Sergio Diaz de Garayo Balsategui (CENER, IEA Annex 83), Matthias Haaze (ZHAW, IEA Annex 83), Christoph Gollner (FFG, JPI UE), Silvia Bossi (ENEA, JPI UE), Christian Winzer (Zurich University of Applied Science), George Martinopoulos (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas), Maria Nuria Sánchez (CIEMAT), Angelina Tomova (Energy Agency of Plovdiv)

    Implemented by Filipe Martins, Jamal Khan
    Marek Suchánek (Czech Technical University in Prague)