A1P001: Name of the PED case study / PED Lab |
A1P001: Name of the PED case study / PED Lab
Campus Evenstad
A1P002: Map / aerial view / photos / graphic details / leaflet |
A1P002: Map / aerial view / photos / graphic details / leaflet
A1P003: Categorisation of the PED site |
PED relevant case study
A1P004: Targets of the PED case study / PED Lab |
Climate neutrality
Annual energy surplus
Other (A1P004)
A1P005: Phase of the PED case study / PED Lab |
A1P005: Project Phase of your case study/PED Lab
In operation
A1P006: Start Date |
A1P006: Start date
A1P007: End Date |
A1P007: End date
A1P008: Reference Project |
A1P008: Reference Project
- ZEN – Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities
A1P009: Data availability |
A1P009: Data availability
- Monitoring data available within the districts
- Meteorological open data
A1P010: Sources |
Any publication, link to website, deliverable referring to the PED/PED Lab
- https://fmezen.no/campus-evenstad/
A1P011: Geographic coordinates |
X Coordinate (longitude):
Y Coordinate (latitude):
A1P012: Country |
A1P012: Country
A1P013: City |
A1P013: City
Evenstad, Stor-Elvdal municipality
A1P014: Climate Zone (Köppen Geiger classification). |
A1P014: Climate Zone (Köppen Geiger classification).
A1P015: District boundary |
A1P015: District boundary
A1P016: Ownership of the case study/PED Lab: |
A1P016: Ownership of the case study/PED Lab:
A1P017: Ownership of the land / physical infrastructure: |
A1P017: Ownership of the land / physical infrastructure:
Single Owner
A1P018: Number of buildings in PED |
A1P018: Number of buildings in PED
A1P019: Conditioned space |
A1P019: Conditioned space [m²]
A1P021: Floor area ratio: Conditioned space / total ground area |
A1P021: Floor area ratio: Conditioned space / total ground area
A1P022: Financial schemes |
A1P022e: Financing – PUBLIC – National funding
- Financing – PUBLIC – National funding
A1P022j: Financing – RESEARCH FUNDING – National
- Financing – RESEARCH FUNDING – National
A1P023: Economic Targets |
A1P023: Economic Targets
- Boosting local businesses
- Boosting local and sustainable production
Contact person for general enquiries |
A1P026: Name
Åse Lekang Sørensen
A1P027: Organization
SINTEF / The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) in Smart Cities
A1P028: Affiliation
Research Center / University
A1P029: Email
Contact person for other special topics |
Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation
A2P001: Fields of application |
A2P001: Fields of application
- Energy efficiency
- Energy flexibility
- Energy production
- E-mobility
- Digital technologies
- Construction materials
A2P002: Tools/strategies/methods applied for each of the above-selected fields |
A2P002: Tools/strategies/methods applied for each of the above-selected fields
Campus Evenstad is a small department at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, with 220 students. The vision for Campus Evenstad is an energy-flexible Campus Evenstad in an emission-free Europe. The area consists of approx. 20 buildings managed and owned by Statsbygg; the Norwegian government’s building commissioner, property manager and developer. The oldest building is from the 1700-century and the newest is the administration centre (2017) which is a Zero Emission Building (ZEB) with the highest ambitions (ZEB-COM). Their concept has been to realize Campus Evenstad as an energy pilot, where innovative energy solutions are demonstrated, showing how local areas can become more self-sufficient in energy. The energy system at Evenstad consists of several innovative energy solutions that are new in a Norwegian and European context. They are combined in local infrastructure for electricity and heat, which has led to new knowledge and learning about how the solutions work together, and how the interaction is between the local and the national energy system. The solutions consist of solar cells (PV), solar collectors, combined heat and power plant (CHP) based on wood chips, biofuel boiler, electric boiler, grid connection, district heating, heat storage, stationary battery and bidirectional electric vehicle (EV) charging (V2G).
Statsbygg has gained a lot of operational experience from Campus Evenstad – both from individual technologies and from the interaction between these, which benefits Statsbygg's 2,200 buildings and 3 million m2 around Norway. Sharing of experiences is central. Campus Evenstad is a pilot in the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) in Smart Cities were several of the solutions has been developed and studied.
A2P003: Application of ISO52000 |
A2P003: Application of ISO52000
A2P004: Appliances included in the calculation of the energy balance |
A2P004: Appliances included in the calculation of the energy balance
A2P005: Mobility included in the calculation of the energy balance |
A2P005: Mobility included in the calculation of the energy balance
A2P006: Description of how mobility is included (or not included) in the calculation |
A2P006: Description of how mobility is included (or not included) in the calculation
At Campus Evenstad there is infrastructure for EV charging and bidirectional charging (V2G). EV charging is included in the energy balance.
A2P007: Annual energy demand in buildings / Thermal demand |
A2P007: Annual energy demand in buildings / Thermal demand [GWh/annum]
A2P008: Annual energy demand in buildings / Electric Demand |
A2P008: Annual energy demand in buildings / Electric Demand [GWh/annum]
A2P011: Annual renewable electricity production on-site during target year |
A2P011: PV
A2P011: PV – specify production in GWh/annum [GWh/annum]
A2P011: Biomass_el
A2P011: Biomass_el – specify production in GWh/annum [GWh/annum]
A2P012: Annual renewable thermal production on-site during target year |
A2P012: Solar Thermal
A2P012 – Solar Thermal: Please specify production in GWh/annum [GWh/annum]
A2P012: Biomass_heat
A2P012 – Biomass_heat: Please specify production in GWh/annum [GWh/annum]
A2P013: Renewable resources on-site – Additional notes |
A2P013: Renewable resources on-site – Additional notes
Listed values are measurements from 2018. Renewable energy share is increasing.
A2P014: Annual energy use |
A2P014: Annual energy use [GWh/annum]
A2P015: Annual energy delivered |
A2P015: Annual energy delivered [GWh/annum]
A2P020: Share of RES on-site / RES outside the boundary |
A2P020: Share of RES on-site / RES outside the boundary
A2P023: Technological Solutions / Innovations – Energy Generation |
A2P023: Photovoltaics
A2P023: Solar thermal collectors
A2P023: Co-generation
A2P023: Biomass
A2P023: Other
The Co-generation is biomass based.
A2P024: Technological Solutions / Innovations – Energy Flexibility |
A2P024: A2P024: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
A2P024: Energy management system
A2P024: Demand-side management
A2P024: Thermal Storage
A2P024: Electric Storage
A2P024: District Heating and Cooling
- District Heating and Cooling
A2P024: Smart metering and demand-responsive control systems
- Smart metering and demand-responsive control systems
A2P024: Other
Bidirectional electric vehicle (EV) charging (V2G)
A2P025: Technological Solutions / Innovations – Energy Efficiency |
A2P025: High-performance new buildings
- High-performance new buildings
A2P026: Technological Solutions / Innovations – Mobility |
A2P026: e-Mobility
A2P028: Energy efficiency certificates |
A2P028: Energy efficiency certificates
A2P028: If yes, please specify and/or enter notes
Passive house (2 buildings, 4 200 m2, from 2015)
A2P029: Any other building / district certificates |
A2P029: Any other building / district certificates
A2P029: If yes, please specify and/or enter notes
Zero Emission Building (ZEB) with the highest ambitions (ZEB-COM) (admin building, 1 141 m2, 2016)
A3P001: Relevant city /national strategy |
A3P001: Relevant city /national strategy
- Promotion of energy communities (REC/CEC)
- National / international city networks addressing sustainable urban development and climate neutrality
A3P007: Social models |
A3P007: Social models
- Behavioural Change / End-users engagement
- Educational activities and trainings (including capacity building towards technology literacy, energy efficient behaviour)
- Other
A3P007: Other
Campus Evenstad is a small department at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, with 220 students. Sharing knowledge is essential: Evenstad has regular visits from Politicians, decision-makers, researchers, environmental organizations, and energy- and building companies.
A3P009: Environmental strategies |
A3P009: Environmental strategies
A3P010: Legal / Regulatory aspects |
A3P010: Legal / Regulatory aspects
Campus Evenstad became a prosumer in 2016, as the first with DSO Eidsiva. Evenstad is also one of the first three PV systems in Norway to receive green certificates.
B1P001: PED/PED relevant concept definition |
B1P001: PED/PED relevant concept definition
The biggest impact is the demonstration of several new energy solutions for local communities. Statsbygg/Campus Evenstad contributes to the development of innovations, pushing technological development through purchasing and demonstration of the solutions. This is a benefit for both end users, energy service providers and society at large. Evenstad also contribute to developing the local business community. For example, local biomass chip production for CHP, development of V2G-software etc.
Several key solutions have been important when aiming to achieve the goals of reduced emissions, increased self-sufficiency in energy, and an energy-flexible campus.
Example Vehicle-to-grid (V2G): We realized bidirectional EV charging at Campus Evenstad in 2019, demonstrating V2G for the first time in Norway. The experiences from Evenstad provide increased knowledge and practical experience from purchasing, installing and operating the V2G solution, and can contribute to creating new solutions within the energy system. With the equipment installed, the batteries in EVs can supply power back to buildings or the power grid.
Example solar cells (PV): We installed PV in 2013 when there were only a few grid-connected PV systems in Norway. The PV system was an important piece in changing the view on solar energy in Norway, where businesses, the public sector and private individuals started seeing the potential for solar energy also this far north. In 2022, the PV system was expanded with PV cells on the facade of the energy center.
Example Solar collector system: Covers 100m2 of the roof surface of dormitories and supplies supplies 117 dormitories with all the hot water they need (4000m2 floor area. The solar collector system is connected to the district heating system, where the main heat source is bioenergy. Solar energy and bioenergy complement each other at different times of the year.
Example battery bank: Among the 5 largest electrical batteries in Norway connected to the grid.
Example CHP: First of its kind in Norway, generating heat and electricity from biomass. Already in 2010, fossil fuels were phased out by converting from oil to wood-chip heating.
B1P002: Motivation behind PED/PED relevant project development |
B1P002: Motivation behind PED/PED relevant project development
In line with the EU's vision of "local energy communities", Campus Evenstad demonstrates energy actions that contribute to the clean energy transition. The campus has been developed over several years, demonstrating several innovative and sustainable technologies and energy solutions in a microgrid, e.g. vehicle to grid (V2G), biomass-based combined heat and power (CHP), solar energy, energy storage and zero emission buildings. It shows how to use new technology to enable zero emissions areas.
Dedicated professionals, both Statsbygg's operating staff and researchers from FME ZEN have been central to the realization, together with dedicated management at the University campus, who have shown a great willingness to implement new solutions.
B1P003: Environment of the case study area |
B2P003: Environment of the case study area
B1P004: Type of district |
B2P004: Type of district
- New construction
- Renovation
B1P005: Case Study Context |
B1P005: Case Study Context
B1P011: Population density before intervention |
B1P011: Population density before intervention
B1P012: Population density after intervention |
B1P012: Population density after intervention
C1P001: Unlocking Factors |
C1P001: Recent technological improvements for on-site RES production
5 – Very important
C1P001: Innovative, integrated, prefabricated packages for buildings envelope / Energy efficiency of building stock
5 – Very important
C1P001: Energy Communities, P2P, Prosumers concepts
5 – Very important
C1P001: Storage systems and E-mobility market penetration
5 – Very important
C1P001: Decreasing costs of innovative materials
3 – Moderately important
C1P001: Financial mechanisms to reduce costs and maximize benefits
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: The ability to predict Multiple Benefits
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: The ability to predict the distribution of benefits and impacts
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: Citizens improved awareness and engagement on sustainable energy issues (bottom-up)
4 – Important
C1P001: Social acceptance (top-down)
4 – Important
C1P001: Improved local and national policy frameworks (i.e. incentives, laws etc.)
4 – Important
C1P001: Presence of integrated urban strategies and plans
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: Multidisciplinary approaches available for systemic integration
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: Availability of grants (from EC or other donors) to finance the PED Lab projects
1 – Unimportant
C1P001: Availability of RES on site (Local RES)
5 – Very important
C1P001: Ongoing or established collaboration on Public Private Partnership among key stakeholders
3 – Moderately important
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Driving Factors |
C1P002: Climate Change adaptation need
3 – Moderately important
C1P002: Climate Change mitigation need (local RES production and efficiency)
5 – Very important
C1P002: Rapid urbanization trend and need of urban expansions
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Urban re-development of existing built environment
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Economic growth need
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Improved local environmental quality (air, noise, aesthetics, etc.)
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Territorial and market attractiveness
1 – Unimportant
C1P002: Energy autonomy/independence
4 – Important
C1P002: Any other DRIVING FACTOR
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Administrative barriers |
C1P003: Difficulty in the coordination of high number of partners and authorities
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Lack of good cooperation and acceptance among partners
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Lack of public participation
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Lack of institutions/mechanisms to disseminate information
1 – Unimportant
C1P003:Long and complex procedures for authorization of project activities
3 – Moderately important
C1P003: Time consuming requirements by EC or other donors concerning reporting and accountancy
2 – Slightly important
C1P003: Complicated and non-comprehensive public procurement
2 – Slightly important
C1P003: Fragmented and or complex ownership structure
3 – Moderately important
C1P003: City administration & cross-sectoral attitude/approaches (silos)
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Lack of internal capacities to support energy transition
1 – Unimportant
C1P003: Any other Administrative BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P004: Policy barriers |
C1P004: Lack of long-term and consistent energy plans and policies
3 – Moderately important
C1P004: Lacking or fragmented local political commitment and support on the long term
3 – Moderately important
C1P004: Lack of Cooperation & support between national-regional-local entities
3 – Moderately important
C1P004: Any other Political BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P005: Legal and Regulatory barriers |
C1P005: Inadequate regulations for new technologies
5 – Very important
C1P005: Regulatory instability
3 – Moderately important
C1P005: Non-effective regulations
3 – Moderately important
C1P005: Unfavorable local regulations for innovative technologies
3 – Moderately important
C1P005: Building code and land-use planning hindering innovative technologies
1 – Unimportant
C1P005: Insufficient or insecure financial incentives
4 – Important
C1P005: Unresolved privacy concerns and limiting nature of privacy protection regulation
1 – Unimportant
C1P005: Shortage of proven and tested solutions and examples
3 – Moderately important
C1P005: Any other Legal and Regulatory BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P007: Technical barriers |
C1P007: Lack of skilled and trained personnel
3 – Moderately important
C1P007: Deficient planning
1 – Unimportant
C1P007: Retrofitting work in dwellings in occupied state
3 – Moderately important
C1P007: Lack of well-defined process
3 – Moderately important
C1P007: Inaccuracy in energy modelling and simulation
3 – Moderately important
C1P007: Lack/cost of computational scalability
5 – Very important
C1P007: Grid congestion, grid instability
5 – Very important
C1P007: Negative effects of project intervention on the natural environment
1 – Unimportant
C1P007: Energy retrofitting work in dense and/or historical urban environment
1 – Unimportant
C1P007: Difficult definition of system boundaries
1 – Unimportant
C1P007: Any other Thecnical BARRIER
5 – Very important
C1P007: Any other Thecnical BARRIER (if any)
Energy management systems of different new technologies does not "talk together" (e.g. solar inverter, V2G inverter). This creates challenges.
C1P008: Social and Cultural barriers |
C1P008: Inertia
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Lack of values and interest in energy optimization measurements
3 – Moderately important
C1P008: Low acceptance of new projects and technologies
3 – Moderately important
C1P008: Difficulty of finding and engaging relevant actors
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Lack of trust beyond social network
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Rebound effect
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Hostile or passive attitude towards environmentalism
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Exclusion of socially disadvantaged groups
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Non-energy issues are more important and urgent for actors
4 – Important
C1P008: Hostile or passive attitude towards energy collaboration
1 – Unimportant
C1P008: Any other Social BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P009: Information and Awareness barriers |
C1P009: Insufficient information on the part of potential users and consumers
1 – Unimportant
C1P009: Perception of interventions as complicated and expensive, with negative socio-economic or environmental impacts
3 – Moderately important
C1P009: Lack of awareness among authorities
4 – Important
C1P009: Information asymmetry causing power asymmetry of established actors
1 – Unimportant
C1P009: High costs of design, material, construction, and installation
5 – Very important
C1P009: Any other Information and Awareness BARRIER
5 – Very important
C1P009: Any other Information and Awareness BARRIER (if any)
Different interests – Grid/energy stakeholders and building stakeholders
C1P010: Financial barriers |
C1P010: Hidden costs
5 – Very important
C1P010: Insufficient external financial support and funding for project activities
5 – Very important
C1P010: Economic crisis
1 – Unimportant
C1P010: Risk and uncertainty
5 – Very important
C1P010: Lack of consolidated and tested business models
5 – Very important
C1P010: Limited access to capital and cost disincentives
4 – Important
C1P010: Any other Financial BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P011: Market barriers |
C1P011: Split incentives
1 – Unimportant
C1P011: Energy price distortion
1 – Unimportant
C1P011: Energy market concentration, gatekeeper actors (DSOs)
1 – Unimportant
C1P011: Any other Market BARRIER
1 – Unimportant
C1P012: Stakeholders involved |
C1P012: Government/Public Authorities
C1P012: Research & Innovation
- Monitoring/operation/management
C1P012: Financial/Funding
- Construction/implementation
C1P012: Analyst, ICT and Big Data
- Monitoring/operation/management
C1P012: Business process management
C1P012: Real Estate developers
- Planning/leading
- Monitoring/operation/management
C1P012: Design/Construction companies
- Construction/implementation
C1P012: End‐users/Occupants/Energy Citizens
- Monitoring/operation/management
C1P012: Social/Civil Society/NGOs
C1P012: Industry/SME/eCommerce
- Construction/implementation